6-19-09 ~ In splendid fashion, Bob came through with an awesome breakfast this morning. We feasted on eggs, breakfast potatoes, sausage, and bacon. After checking the weather, we packed up waved goodbye to Bob and waved hello to Missouri. The riding was pretty uneventful throughout the day. We breaked for lunch in Cameron and than pressed on because we knew there was a chance of showers later in the afternoon. Fifteen miles out of Chillicothe things started to go wrong. Dietrich had a flat and we stopped as the thunder and lightning was hitting around us. He worked quickly and just as he put the wheel back on the tube blew again. He changed it out again and we kept riding knowing that rain was around the corner. Five miles out of town it started to ride hard. Seth found a second wind and led the charge into town feeling like he was in the tour de France. One mile outside of town Dietrich blew another flat. The rain was dumping and instead of wasting another tube, we decided to let Dietrich get a ride into town and Seth and Bobby charged into town finding shelter at the local McDonalds. Dietrich showed up soon after and we all went inside to dry our clothes on the air blowers in the bathroom. After supper, we rode into the suburbs looking for a place to stay. The first house we checked turned out to be a success with Jim and Cindy offering their bathroom and three beds. We couldn't have asked for more. They truly blessed us with shelter from the rain and Cindy even offered us icecream and brownies later. Jim turned out to be a fellow bike tourist also. The only difference was he had a motor on his. He had toured all over the US on his motorcyle including riding up to the Alaska and the artic circle. It was fun to here different stories from him. We were truly blessed by this couple and crashed into bed with stomachs full of icecream and brownies.
Air blowers in the bathroom...great ingeniuity. I can only imagine the scene. Congrats again for the quick thinking. I checked out KS & MO w/a quick prayer every day this weekend from our DC hotel.