Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bobby Longenecker Signing Off

Biking across the country has always been a dream of mine; something I knew I wanted to do as a challenge and an experience. I wanted to see America for what it truly is, to meet people of different backgrounds, and see this beautiful country. As many of you know, last summer we were set to undertake this adventure, but a few obstacles came in the way and we were forced to push the trip back a year till this summer; it was worth the wait.
From the snow-peaked rocky mountains to the flat wheat fields of the Midwest to the small fishing towns in Maine we truly saw the country in its many forms and shapes. But beyond the beauty, beyond the landscape were the wonderful people we met. Anybody reading this has probably been following the blog closely and has a grasp that we relied on the people of the small towns we came to as we got rid of our tent. But through our perseverance in taking rejections, and gracious people opening up their doors to us we got a house to sleep in almost every night. Although sitting on a bike for six hours a day is a blast, the true enjoyment of the day began as we got into someone’s house and started getting to know them. It was amazing to see the transition of many of our hosts and conversations as the evening wore on as they began to see us as harmless. These hosts were truly gifts from God, providing us with the physical needs of food and lodging while also a mental break and motivation to keep going.
Undergoing an 8-week trip with the same people everyday is always going to be challenging, especially when you eat, sleep and do the same thing everyday. That being said, although we had our disagreements at times, there are no two other guys I would have rather done this trip with:
Seth- You have been a friend for so many years, but only after this trip do I feel that we have truly become open and honest with each other. You were the beast of this trip hauling up the mountains and leaving Dietrich and I in the dust on those climbs. I truly enjoyed your free spirit and your ability to lighten the mood in some of the harder times.
Dietrich- We have been planning this for almost two years now and it is finally complete. I know biking was merely a means to the end of meeting people and seeing America for you, and I thank you for pushing that mindset into my head. Dietrich, we are opposites in many ways and that brings upon small clashes over little things. But I truly thank you for helping me to slow down and “smell the roses” and listen to people, not just bike from place to place.
This was truly a life changing experience for us and I truly believe it has made us all better men… whats next?


  1. Congratulations on the completion of your mission. May God bless you and keep you as you pursue your life's goals.
    David and JoAnn in Tipton

  2. Grandma and Grandpa SimpsonJuly 22, 2009 at 6:32 PM

    Dear Bobbie, Seth and Dietrich:
    Now that you are home from this dream ride across Americam the only thing left for the folks at home to say "Welcome to the life that was intended for you" That means not only by God himself, but by your parents and family, your friends and the people you met as you rode. Grace and I were so honored to come to Maine to see you finish the ride. But we are also honored to see you each begin the most important part of your "Right of Passage", to a world of opportunity and challenge. You have each lit a star, kkep it shining as you go

  3. Bobby, man I have never been so jealous in all my life! Reading this blog for the past couple months has been awesome for me, honestly it's gotten me more pumped up than those racing movies you used to bring back to the appartment. But I'm sure just reading can't even scratch the surface of what it was really like for you guys out there. Something you just have to experience, I would imagine... Do you think Ben would want to do this with me next summer?!

    I hope you're not sick of talking about it by the time we get back to school!

    Take care Bobby (and to the other guys as well),


  4. Congratulations on completing your ride. It takes tremendous spirit and will to accomplish a goal as amazing as this one. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and we hope you continue to carry this same drive and passion throughout your lives. Remember, attitude is everything.
    Your friends at the Lance Armstrong Foundation

  5. Congratulations....nice post
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