We knew it was going to be hard riding today and it sure was. More of Western Pennsylvania's steep hills all day. We rode all morning and crossed the Monongahela river and soon afterwards the Youghiogheny river. It was beautiful riding and we stayed on the saddle for most of the morning.
We grabbed lunch in the town of Donegal which was right next to the PA turnpike. Roads and towns were now familiar to us and the excitement of nearing home was setting in. After a few big Appalachian climbs, we rolled into the town of Somerset. There, we grabbed Turkey Hill Iced Tea and went to the local library to work on the blog and check our route for the next few days.
Seth's good buddy from Wheaton, Cameron Foose, lived in Laurel Mountain which was about a 30 minute drive away. His family used to attend church in Somerset and Cameron contacted the pastor from that church. Their names were Keith and Patti Fink and they were gracious enough to give us a place to stay that night. We rolled on down to their house and chatted for awhile and got showers. Than Cameron rolled into town and took us out to a chinese buffet. The food was great and we had an awesome time talking and joking around with Cameron. Thanks Cameron for the great night of food and conversation, it was extremely refreshing.
After supper, we went back to the Finks and Bobby's day was made. Patti Fink was an accomplished tennis player and so they went down to the courts to play together. We relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful evening in Somerset.
Later that night, Mr. Linde, Caroline, and Cooper rolled into town. Cooper was planning to ride with us from Somerset back to Lancaster. We met up with them and got all our gear ready for the next day. It was great to have Cooper along. He was bringing us new energy for the final push home. We crashed into beds that night and slept like babys.
This is my biggest disappointment of the entire blog: I was hoping Bobby would get rusty in tennis. Well, congrats anyway! It's still a blessing to read these.